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Troy Area Dentist Offers Sleep Apnea Treatment

Posted 12/29/2023

Troy, Michigan - Dr. Keith Kelley, a cosmetic dentist trained in the treatment of sleep apnea. Dr. Kelley has completed many courses with the ACSDD (Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines) and AADSM (American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine), successfully treating patients with sleep apnea for over 15 years.

A patient’s overall health can be drastically affected by a number of factors. Some of the most important factors in maintaining good health include maintaining an active lifestyle, receiving proper nutrition, preserving good oral health, and receiving the proper amount of sleep. Many people do not realize how negatively the body can be affected by a lack of sleep. Without good sleep, a patient may experience a number of symptoms including decreased energy, slower reflexes, and reduced mental focus. If you get poor sleep, find yourself waking in the morning feeling groggy and tired, or your bed partner says you snore or even stop breathing at night, you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Troy area cosmetic dentist Keith Kelley is one of a select group of dentists trained in the treatment of sleep apnea. In fact, Dr. Kelley has recently completed a course on the treatment of sleep apnea through evidence-based techniques. This course was organized by the ACSDD, or Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines. The ACSDD studies sleep apnea treatments that have been proven successful based on strong evidence. Dr. Kelley is a dentist whose training and studies have qualified him as a select dentist able to offer treatment for sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea and Dentistry

Many patients find it surprising that a dentist can offer treatment for sleep apnea, but studies have shown that a dental device (similar to an orthodontic retainer) can be successful in allowing patients to have a comfortable and uninterrupted night’s sleep. Sleep apnea is typically caused by a blockage of the airways. This decreases the flow of oxygen to the brain and causes a patient to wake repeatedly throughout the night. With these sleep interruptions, a patient is never able to reach the deep (or REM) stage of sleep that is required for a patient to wake feeling well rested. As a dentist trained in the treatment of sleep apnea, Dr. Kelley is able to provide patients with a dental device that has shown to be successful in treating sleep apnea. The dental device provided by Dr. Kelley offers patients the following benefits:

  • An open, unobstructed airway during sleep
  • A restful, uninterrupted night’s sleep
  • A custom fit that feels comfortable in the mouth
  • Restored energy and mental clarity as restful sleep is restored

These are benefits that cannot be provided by those dentists who have not been trained in the treatment of sleep apnea. In some instances, a misaligned bite may worsen sleep apnea. If Dr. Kelley believes this is the case, he may recommend teeth straightening options to correct the bite and help alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea.

With Dr. Kelley’s continued devotion to educating himself on the latest and most proven treatments for sleep apnea, he remains a top dentist in the Troy area for the treatment of this condition.

Call us today at 248-828-3185 to schedule your Complimentary Consultation.

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